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Miss Porter's

Miss Porter's is an amazing all girls boarding school located in Farmington Connecticut. It contains some of the most brilliant, beautiful, hottest, best, and amazing girls you will ever meet. Teachers, the Girls, the campus, the schedules...the place couldn't be better. Even the avon old farms boys agree with all of their porters (not ethel walkers) girlfriends. If you want to hang with the best...go to porters!!

Look at that Miss Porter's girrrrl!

by anonymous avon December 2, 2009

114๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

miss porter's

a prestigious, exclusive, liberal-yet-traditional classic new england, all-girls boarding school in connecticut. famous alumnis include jackie kennedy and lilly pulitzer. has a terrific pedigree; a solid reputation for turning out polished, smart, and capable girls, and yes, there are preps, but you can find them at any school, and at least they're the real deal.

MPS is the best of all the all-girls schools. thats a fact everyone agrees on, yes better than emma willard or ethel walker. it has a reputation of educating some of the elite young women on the east coast.

"she goes to miss porter's school"
"that's a very fine insitution"
"yes, she really enjoys it there"

by tinsel October 2, 2006

340๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž

miss porter's

Miss Porter's School is a boarding school for girls smack dab in farmington connecticut. One is apt to find lesbians, preps and alchoholics alike in this "educational" haven. The typical porter's girl is most likely to be found with a drink in one hand, a penis in the other and the collar popped (duh)

dude that porters girl is HOT

-aof boy

by danio April 3, 2005

301๐Ÿ‘ 254๐Ÿ‘Ž

miss porter's

A boarding and day school in the middle of no where aka Farmington CT where you can find girls that are much smarter than the one's at Ethel Walker's who often date AOF and salisbury's guys due to boy deprevation and frequently lose at sports except crew and softball except of course when the play Ethel Walker's hmmmmm.... I wonder why?

Geee that girls a slut...she must be from Walker's

by anonymous April 17, 2005

215๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž

Miss Porters

Only the worst all-girls boarding school. Porters, or should I say Porkers is the place where skanky, stupid girls go because they could not get into any other school, like the amazing Ethel Walker. Those Porkers girls are just uglier, sluttier, fatter, stupider, poorer, worser dressing versions than the girls of Ethel Walker. Not only that, Porkers once did have a strong point of being "okay" at sports but now they suck at that too. Overall, Porters (Porkers) girls fail at life.

Miss Porters:
pieces of shit

by oilkeafdilh January 30, 2009

93๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž

miss porter's

Catholic all girls school found near 50 cent's house in the middle of nowhere (Conneticut). So called prestigious, but then again, how can things near 50 cent be prestigious? Well anyways, to sum it up, a school full of premadonna drunk schoolgirls.

Haha, she goes to Miss Porter's.

by Mr Porter April 16, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 463๐Ÿ‘Ž

miss porter's school

Miss Porter's School is a boarding school for girls, grade 9 through 12, located in Farmington, Connecticut. It is ranked number 1 all-girls school in the US. There are only about 89 students per grade, with the class average of 11 students and student teacher ratio of 1:8. It has one of the highest average SAT scores throughout high schools. Notable alumni include Jacqueline Kennedy, Gloria Vanderbilt, Dorothy Bush(Former-President Bush's sister), Dorothy Walker Bush(President bush's mother), Mamie Gummer(Meryl Streep's daughter) and Alice Hamilton. The school is very well-respected and famous donators include Oprah Winfrey. Miss Porter's School has sent many of its students to Ivy League colleges. It is difficult to get accepted to attend there. The acceptance rate of 2011 was very low according to the admissions office.

Miss Porter's School is a highly prestigious school in the US.

by boardingschools May 16, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž