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Miss Thing

Someone who demands respect & has a sassy, spunky attitude.

In my funeral, the song playing would be Cher - Do you believe in life after love, followed by dancers and trumpets who will side kick march to Frank Sinatra - I did it my way, till the dirt hits my coffin.

You have grand ideas Miss Thing!

Someone who is lively bold and full of spirit!
Courageous and determined: "a spunky performance"
To admire someone deeply for their attitude, whether you agree with it or not
To be creative and unusual

by Olita May 7, 2013

120👍 30👎

Miss Thing

A term used to describe a woman who is arrogant, self-absorbed and superficial. To call a woman "miss thing" is to suggest that she has little merit and yet walks around with an undeserved sense of superiority.

"Hey, check out Miss Thing over there in her brand new dress."
"She told me that her husband bought her that dress for $800!"
"Who told you that lie? She's not married, she bought that at a thrift store. I know because I bought that same exact dress two years ago at Ross for $25."

by Gladilay December 27, 2017

26👍 42👎

miss thing

Common homosexual male usage of "gender bending," Miss Thing can be used both negatively and positively. Miss Thing can be used by gay men to denote someone who (often wihout merit) thinks that they are above every one else, or can be used almost as a homosexual equivalent to "homie"

1. "Oh Miss Thing, don't you even go there with me... you are NOT wearing the same thing as I am... "

2. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Miss Thing!"`

by Dan April 22, 2004

412👍 162👎

I don't want to miss a thing

One of the sweetest love songs ever written. Almost everyone understands how it feels to "Stay awake just to hear their sigificant otherbreathing..."

Jamie-"What song did you dance to at your wedding?"
Roxanne- "I don't want to miss a thing"
Jamie- "aww how sweet!"

by Nikkibear<3 May 8, 2009

22👍 12👎