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A Mordechai is a smart, logical, and wise human being. They can sometimes come out as cold, but are really funny, talented, and entertaining when you befriend them. They can also seem like a show off, but everyone can admit they are good at what they do.

Girl: Ugh! I hate Mordechai!
Boy: Oh come on, he's actually really funny and cool once you get to know him!
Girl: But he is such a show off!
Boy: Yeah but he is really good at what he does!
Girl: I suppose...

by Estie Defines January 1, 2018

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A ugly homeless homosexual who has no friends and is super short and has a tiny winey penis

Damm that mordechai he's guy as flip

by Gonk August 16, 2017

8πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Moshe Mordechai

Moshe Mordechai is a caring and sweet boy. He is very kind and very competitive and pretty innocent tbh . Generally is obsessed with basketball, and generally has extremely attractive friends named Yosef, Yaakov and

Gavriel. Has short hair and wears a lot of hoodies.

Hey Moshe Mordechai, you know kobe died?
*screams profusely in agony* β€œDON’T REMIND ME!!!”

by Yourmumisgaylolripyou February 20, 2020