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To be/do something completely awesome and/or good.

Man, with that whole freeing fo the slaves thing, you just totally morelanded!- Said to Abe Lincoln after the emancipation proclamation.

by clintonisbetter May 3, 2008

56πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bryant Moreland

Bryant Moreland was a man who used to own a youtube channel, named EDP445. This man EDP445 was eventually caught trying to fantasize and hook up with a 13 year old child, and saying crazy things like he doesn't care about age and it doesn't matter. Basically a pedophile.

Guy 1: Yo, you've seen the news on Bryant Moreland?
Guy 2: Nah what happened brro?
Guy 1: He was exposed for tryna get cupcakes from a 13 yr old girl and hooking up w/ her.

Guy 2: Oh nah bro what a little idiot.

by Nikman233 May 1, 2022

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Upper Moreland

Upper Moreland is a relativly boring suburban, middle class community outside of Philadelphia. That's right, nothing happens here. When people from Upper Moreland go to hang out, they rarely do it within the borders of the township. This is due to the lack of entertainment (i.e. our sub-par mall, known as the Willow Grove Park Mall, which is essentially short-lived trend central). The nearest movie theater is miles away, in horsham. Upper Moreland is overcome with many who do not realize what ethnic background they are from. Dawg.

Hey guys, lets all go to Abington or Hatboro, because there is nothing to do here in Upper Moreland.

by Jack Wahs May 22, 2006

90πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Lower Moreland

A small town outside of philadelphia filled with ungrateful white kids. The guys are mean and the girls are trashy. These kids believe that they are from β€œphilly” but really all you have to do is say β€œMr. Boudreaux is coming” and they will drop to the floor dead. They think that juuling and smoking weed is cool. Never date someone from Lower Moreland unless you want AIDS!!! Especially class of 2022 and 2023!!!

Person,”Where are you from?”
You,”I’m from Lower Moreland!”
Person *Walks away*

by lowermoreland123 October 30, 2018

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lower Moreland

A small township outside of Philadelphia that is part of the Montgomery County. Because it is so small, it contains only one school district which consists of its three schools- Pine Road, Murray Avenue, and Lower Moreland High School.

"Hey! Are you from Lower Moreland?"


by a lower moreland-er. February 1, 2008

137πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Lower Moreland

A town right out of the Northeast section of philly in the suburbs. Its small but consists of much farmland, country clubs, and cemeteries. Nearly everyone is a spoiled wigger in the township. The guys are fags and think they are the shit. The girls are all bitches and whores. AVOID LM GIRLS IF YOU DONT WANT AN STD!!!!(mainly the girls from the class of 2012, AT, SB, DC, KM, MC, VR, and NP). Everyone from lm thinks they are better then everyone else and always get into fights and end up losing. Fighting a kid from lm is like fighting a dead bird, just kick it, and its pretty much done with.

"did you get with that girl from Lower Moreland?"

"Neh, i dont want herpes"

by ewitsLM June 16, 2009

142πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Lower Moreland

Small town outisde of philadelphia where many of the highschoolers accually think they are from the streets. Also, the town is full of japswho think they are better than everybody else. Most of Lower Moreland's vocabulary consists of "Nah bra" and "Narc".

Where are you from?

Lower Moreland.

Man, that sucks.

by nah bra March 29, 2008

101πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž