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to go out in the mud in the back of a truck or jeep or other 4x4 vehicle and spin in the mud until all the occupants are covered in mud.

I am so dirty. We went mudding earlier and I just know this mud won't come out of my clothes!

by Caitlin8014 May 27, 2005

648πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž


Anal sex while one proceeds to shit on the persecuters cock

lets gooo mudding

by Bigniggercock November 30, 2017

64πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A pointless waste of time where an inbred redneck takes their "pick em up" or jeep into the mud and proceeds to attempt to not get stuck.

"Uncle Daddy, can we go mudding today?"
"Naw son, Aunt Mommy said we done gotta stay here today"
"Aw shucks"
"Its okay son, take your sister round back and explore each other"
"Aw yes"

by MoronsPissMeOff August 16, 2018

88πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž


the action of eating a satisfying and girthy meal. typically fast food, and/or any food when baked or hungover.

friend 1: "bro, I'm baked as fuck"
friend 2: "you down for some dons?"
friend 1: "fuckin rights, best believe we're mudding hard tonight"

by stephnichs June 18, 2019

6πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

In the mud

A phrase to describe the negative outcome of a set of circumstances that have put you in a tricky situation.

"Boys I've been to the doctors and it's not good news. I've got 3 months to live."

"Ahh mate you're in the mud there"

"Unlucky mate, sounds like you're severely mudded"

"A true mudding"

by MuckyBender May 13, 2022

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

In the mud

When you get in trouble and you can’t get out of

Boy you in the mud if she keeps bitching you my guy

by ViciousJay2x July 12, 2018

64πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A slang word used to describe something fucked up, ruined, or horrible/bad.

Bro that shit mudded as fuck.

by DEADSHØT888 January 27, 2021

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž