Source Code

Mushy Mushy

A word that describes when somethings emotional

Don't get all mushy mushy over me now!

by Fake_Theory June 15, 2011

44👍 13👎

Mushy Mushy

*The word commonly used in referance to having sexual encounters with one of the same or opposite gender.
*created as from a "slip of the tongue" while V meant to say "mushies" refering to mushrooms but "came out" with "mushy"

"after i touched jenn's OI OI, we headed to her boyfriends room for some mushy mushy"

by Valisa June 18, 2004

15👍 57👎

mushy mushy

A female who has no control when it comes to a certain man.
In the past this same woman has called all the shots, but now has lost her edge and is soft in the brain over him.

Would you please stop that mushy mushy shit, kissing his picture, fingering yourself when you think of him and when you look at his pictures! You're making me sick with all that crapola!

by Renee June 24, 2004

61👍 57👎

isa mushi mushi

A way to answer your phone in order to confuse the caller.

*phone rings* "Isa mushi mushi!"

by Sir Banacheck September 24, 2006

55👍 29👎