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Pet my puppy

When a man with a tiny penis (we'll just use the name Chris) uses a bad excuse such as "Pet my puppy" as slang for handjob or another sexual act.

Chris: "Hey ally lets go pet my puppy ;)
Ally: "KAYYYY"

by Limitlessflow July 27, 2009

46πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Drop-Kicked My Puppy

To Take Someone's Idea

"Dude, you just totally drop-kicked my puppy. I was just about to say that."
"I can't believe he drop-kicked my puppy. I would have gotten a promotion with that idea."

by Two Improvising Students October 23, 2013

My puppy

A woman or man that keeps coming back you know matter how you treat them

She’s my puppy. She caught me cheating and still came back

by MsPeaches June 23, 2021