Source Code

nice boots

An alt.gothic newsgroup meme, part of the phase "Nice boots, wanna fuck?" where the second half is typically assumed.

Check Everything2 for fuller info.

*at the bar in a goff club*


A: So.. *looking down* Nice boots..

B: Yes, yes they are. *grins*

by milkymiruku November 4, 2009

120👍 18👎

nice boots

saying a women has nice boobs, because boots sounds like "boobs"

GUY: Hey nice boots
girl: uh thanks
guy: she's got no idea

by deand28 January 12, 2011

26👍 71👎

Betty nice boots

An insult for someone who’s always flaunting their boots

Jessica: look I just got new Gucci boots
Sheryl: ugh such a Betty nice boots

by Apple cider lover March 12, 2022

4👍 1👎

Nice Boots

A code term used to describe a woman's nice ass.

When checking out a woman's ass, you pretend to be looking at her boots and comment on the "Nice Boots" when really you are commenting on her ass.

by Triple Twenty April 14, 2009

6👍 65👎

betty nice boots

a term used when someone steals your boots

1:did you steal my boots
1:betty nice boots

by ald August 19, 2021