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Nuut Buuster

A man who busts entirely too many nuts or busts one gigantic nut at a given time.

"OMG! you busted one hell of a nut on my face"

"Ofcourse I did bitch, Ima NUUT BUUSTER!!!!!!!!"

by Anderson May 7, 2005

34👍 5👎

Sock Nuut Yellow

Sock Nuut Yellow is described as dried nut inside a sock, by Peanuut on Twitch. For reference, possible hex code of #ffffe6 or lighter.

I'm painting my unborn child's room Sock Nuut Yellow.

by CaitlynDoodles February 24, 2019

Nuut Bahl

an actual retard

Worth: Shes a fucking Nuut Bahl

by tuzori November 14, 2019


The plural version of nut.

I nuut on her plenty’s times

by Beaner Slaps March 9, 2018