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Nathaniel Bandy

A YouTube gamer who claims to be striving for originality, but fails miserably at it.

Jared: Hey, did you see Nathaniel Bandy’s newest video, Top 10 Hardest Splatoon 2 Levels?! It’s the most original thing I’ve ever seen!!
Me: *triggered*

by Bigrockstar1119 August 25, 2018

23👍 14👎

Nathaniel Bandy

The hottest Nintendo YouTuber. Ever. He is the legendary creator of Bandy's Universe. (Also known as Nathaniel scuttlebug paragoomba... Bandy)

Person 1: Whos Nathaniel Bandy?
Person 2: Nathaniel Bandy is life. Nathaniel Bandy is love.

by You_are_fool July 16, 2023