Source Code

No, No, No...............You, You, You

Something Dimitris G will say when he's frustrated.

Person 1: Ela re Dimitris G your skin is shiny like a lizard
Dimitris G: No, No, No...............You, You, You!!!

by Greek_Cypriot February 12, 2022

55๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

you, you cute you

A common phrase used to show liking to someone. Invented by an Israeli satire show for a character based on the Ranana vice-mayor, Uzi Cohen.

he: I really like your ideas
you: you, you cute you

by Rani March 13, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck you fuck you fuck you

A desperate mating call.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you

by WidomBird June 1, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" can be defined as when Mr. Ben Phillips has had enough of everyone being loud and a GaY CuNt

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" is defined as:
Ben Phillips walks in - the class is talking

"Thank you" x1 - Shut up
"Thank you" x2 - Shut the f*ck up
"Thank you" x3 - Shut the f*ck up or i'll throw you out the f*cking star jasmine
"Thank you" x4 - Ben Phillips proceed's to throw some arrogant sl*t out the f*cking star jasmine

by Ben take it up Phillips August 20, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything?


Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything? no ok

by mnbjkl January 25, 2021

Thank you, you are excused, you may step out.

Self-appointed authority to make someone annoying go away. Gleaned from a similar phrase used by the cool "Bailiff Byrd" from the "Judge Judy" show.

Girl: What are you doing? Does this make me look fat? Can I bitch at you about all my girlfriends that I hate? Are you gonna just lie there all day and watch TV? Wanna go to the mall?

Guy: Thank you, you are excused, you may step out.

by Loudin Obnoxious July 18, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

You fool, you blongus, you absolute utter clampongus

Say this to someone who did something dumb.

Ben: i touched the orb after being told not to, now I'm in jail.
Jeff: why did you do that?
Ben: idk
Jeff: you fool, you blongus, you absolute utter clampongus.

by The person who does things. December 7, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž