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No questions asked

When you urgently call a friend and ask them to do something for you. no matter how crazy and or weird the situation you're in is, they cannot ask any questions about it.

Mitch: (calling Carl) Carl! I'm under the dumpster at the corner where that autistic hooker sets up shop. I need you to be here in 15 minutes with 3 gluesticks, a leotard and 4 hockey pucks.

Carl: What are you talking about? What the hell is going on??
Mitch: No questions asked!
Carl: Alright fine, I'll be there soon.

by Aliza Lerner November 6, 2013

58đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž

Shoot first ask questions later

Something to Live By? I think So, Many Dead rappers lived by this!

UMMMMMMMM...... I shot him now i will ask questions instead of asking and then shooting???

by Icdblc13 April 27, 2004

27đź‘Ť 75đź‘Ž

Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to

It’s usually the answer you don’t want to know.

Another form of Tom Krause’s quote
“never ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to” but more suited for using in conversation.

Often used by cheating girlfriends and wives after hoeing around.

Mark: Hey babe, where were you last night?
Susan: Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to

Mark: Sucked off your ex, didn’t you?

by Pushover42069 January 22, 2020

28đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž

always asking questions

Phrase often used by English football commentators to describe an aggressive player focused on creating goal-scoring chances or actual goals themselves. Side definition: Whenever a guy is on a roll in a bar/club setting with regards to approaching multiple women

Their forwards have been always asking questions throughout the second half, a goal is inevitable...

He's always asking questions whenever we run into a group of ladies; the guy is gonna get laid for sure!

by shannonTHEcannon March 24, 2016

Don't ask questions, just trust the process.

A phrase meaning "Mind your own business"

Friend: why are you writing a check to yourself?

Me: Don't ask questions, just trust the process.

by Idontsuckcock November 6, 2023