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no-way-out talker

A no-way-out talker is one who sparks up a random conversation, and talks endlessly regardless of your interest or obvious impatience. This person talks non-stop about anything and everything and asks a lot of questions to trap you. A no-way-out talker can be a total stranger you happen to meet in a common area, such as a shared laundry room, or a co-worker. This person makes it extremely difficult to end a conversation.

No-way-out talker: Hello there! Oh laundry's always fun on a Tuesday night. I'm new to the building. I'm a customer service rep but looking to get into something creative. What do you do? What is your name? I like Burrito Beach. I eat there about three times a week. I think it's always so fresh and delicious. My cat likes it too. How about you? How long have you lived here? Do you have any pets?

by hopskipjump June 10, 2011

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