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NyQuil Dick

Dick so good put a bitch to sleep!

Girl 1: Hey Sheila, Did you watch BET Uncut last night?
Girl 2: Nah Cam came over and hit me with that NyQuil Dick.

by ShamFAwesome January 16, 2014

37👍 4👎

NyQuil Dick

The incapacity to ejaculate because excessive amounts of NyQuil has been consumed. Similar to Whiskey Dick.

Friend 1: Dude, I was totally going to beat one off last night, but couldn't because I pounded two shots of NyQuil.

Friend 2: So you blue balled yourself?

Friend 1: yeah man, NyQuil dick. It's even worse than whiskey dick.

by NyQuil Lover January 24, 2013

9👍 10👎