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nyquil nap

a sleep induced by severe amounts of nyquil cough syrup
one of the deepest and calming sleeps you'll find
nyquil nappers often wake up in a fog that stays for a few hours

dan: dude why are you so out of it?
jack: i had a sick nyquil nap last night, slept for like 8 hours without waking up
craig: oh yeah me too, i took like four cups of that stuff

by AllRighh February 15, 2008

26👍 14👎

NyQuil Nap

The super awesome deep sleep you get after taking NyQuil.

Terry: Gee golly, I'm so tired!
Phillip: I'm not, I had a NyQuil nap last night.

by Bootybootybootyrockitevrywayuh December 12, 2012