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One Eye Open

Someone you are suppose to sleep with to avoid getting your ass beat. This person must get around a lot.

Boy: I cheated on my girlfriend and I think she found out. What should I do?

Friend: You better sleep with One Eye Open.

Boy: Good advice!

by Dd_NY November 12, 2009

9👍 21👎

sleeping with one eye open

'Sleep with one eye open' is usually used as a metaphor in a sentence. It basically means being very cautious, careful or attentive.

The peddler was sleeping with one eye open. He was shocked, as he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked quite frightened.

by Kittenwool February 29, 2016

one eye open drunk

Preface: This can't just be me. Ok, Def. When You have drank enough that it is inexplicably comfortable to watch TV or read with just one eye open. To open both eyes actually reduces the quality of visual perception. This stage occurs before any feeling of sickness, but well past the point of which "good judgement" is a consideration.

I'm one eye open drunk and feeling pretty great about it.

by Wordsmithin June 21, 2017

21👍 1👎

one eye open when i am sleepin

Its when you have one eye open when you are sleepin. One eyeeeeeee

one eye open when i am sleepin, one eyeeeeee

by VroomVroomVroomVroomVroom October 6, 2021

17👍 2👎