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Objection Hearsay

Something Amber Heards lawyer won't stop saying because he can't defend her. He even goes as far as to object his own questions from being answered...!?

Johnnny Depp: *breathes*
Amber Heard's lawyer: OBJECTION HEARSAY

by idkwhatnametopickandidc April 27, 2022

93👍 1👎

Objection Hearsay

A word used to object to your own question. (Typically used in a heavy state of panic)

Amber Heard’s Lawyer: Objection Hearsay
Judge: You asked the question
Amber Heard’s Lawyer: Oh

by Whatishappeningah April 27, 2022

46👍 1👎

Objection Hearsay

Objection! Hearsay!

Now I’m Ashamed To Show My Face
Well I’m A Famous Movie Star
Yeah Life Is Always Fine
I Sit Down At My Penthouse
Drinking Mega Pints Of Wine

Objection! Hearsay!

I Don’t Know Why We Ever Wed

Objection! Hearsay!

Who The Hell Poops In Someone’s Bed
I Object To Everything
I May Have An Infection
Cause I Say I Object
The Judge Says “That Was Your Own Question”

Objection! Hearsay!
I Don’t Know Why We Ever Wed

Objection! Hearsay!

Who The Hell Poops In Someone’s Bed
I Object To Everything
I May Have An Infection
Cause I Say I Object
The Judge Says “That Was Your Own Question”

Objection! Hearsay!

Objection Hearsay is a good song. Amber's Lawyer.

by Captain_Afraid May 11, 2022

20👍 1👎

Objection, hearsay

The only thing Benjamin Rottenborn knows how to say

Rottenborn: "Did you, or did you not, drink a mega pint of wine on the night that you allegedly hit Ms. Heard?"

Johnny Depp: "Well, I-"

Rottenborn: "Objection, hearsay.

by Undefined Object May 5, 2022

31👍 1👎