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Objective Finance

Objective finance is the concept that financial quality, or financial capacity/growth, that when Objectively measured, results in a measurable standard for living that can be extrapolated buy using math and other such procedures. Imagine if GDP wasn't tied to the economic output, but the economy itself, and was used to measure social and societal standards, thats Objective Finance.

"Aiden's life was amazing, because of his high-level Objective Finance"

by Obviouslyperson February 5, 2021

Objective Finance

The best value for Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

Aiden joined LD because he loved the value of Objective Finance so much.

by TP>LD February 8, 2021

Objective Finance

Probably the best thing to ever happen to Mankind.

Aiden saw the guaranteed benefit of Objective finance.

by TheZestyPepperoni February 11, 2021

Objective Finance per Capita

Objective Finance per Capita is the Concept that Objective Finance, and its associated scores can be measured for the individual, and how they're doing, in order to assess how much better they can make their live/financial situation through the use of Objective Economic Principles in their lives. Usually measured by Dividing your country's GDP per Capita by Its Objective Finance score, then multiplying that by the average of your earnings, before dividing that by the number of digits in your net worth. The Square root of that number should be your Objective Finance per Capita score!

Noah was Extremely surprised to find out that his Objective Finance per Capita score went from 2.4494897 to 2.6061125 over the course of a year

by Obviouslyperson April 27, 2023

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