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Ohio State Buckeyes

Anyone with an association to one of the most respected academic and athletic universities in the world. Also, one of the oldest universities in the U.S., Thee Ohio State Buckeyes have won more national championships, bowl games, and conferance titles than most schools in the country. Home of 2 of the greatest coaches in college football history (Woody Hayes, Jim Tressel), Thee Ohio State Buckeyes are tied for most Heisman winners at 7 with Notre Dame. The only school to have a single player win the award twice. One of the most dominant athletic forces in the nation, especially during the 1st 10 years of the millenium in all departments. The Buckeyes are also one of the most hated on juggernauts in the U.S. due to pure talent and heart. In 2011 A witch hunt was held against Jim Tressel, 5 Buckeye football stars, and subsequently the rest of the school over a moronoic rule that players cannot sell awards that they earned for any reason. BOLLOCKS!!! Also the greatest fan base in the world cheer the Buckeyes. Oh, and the rival of the Michigan wolverines (A.K.A. cupcake university) who continue to be crushed at every meeting in the last 7 years straight. Not to mention about to take the lead in wins vs loses between the two rivals. Greates rivalry in sports. EVER!!

The Ohio State Buckeyes are studs that stomp out the team up north with no mercy.

by SIZZLLIN March 24, 2011

264πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

sporting teams representing THE Ohio State University. these teams enjoy a rich and extremely devoted fan base who care not what 'those people up north' have to say about any rivalry because we know we're better anyway...

no better combo than Scarlet & Gray

by KovacsBKK April 25, 2005

546πŸ‘ 458πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

A gigantic urban school, whose students harbor an intense hatred of Michigan, particullarly where football is concerned. Michigan fans love to claim that they have an overall advantage in the series, but fail to realize that for about half of the rivalry, Ohio State was a tiny A&M college. In addition, Ohio State has one of the best teaching and veterinary schools in the US, and the 3rd best Political Science program in the world.

Why is Braylon Edwards crying like a little girl on the sidelines? Oh, that's right, it was because of the Ohio State Buckeyes.

by Go Bucks. March 13, 2005

559πŸ‘ 467πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

The school to attend if you want to receive a college degree while taking classes such as "AIDS Awareness" and "Basket Weaving". The university has also been known to hand out free money to its football and basketball players, which is highly against the NCAA rules. Just ask Maurice Clarrett and Troy Smith.

School Booster: Hey Maurice, want me to buy you a new car since you can't afford one with all your college tuition?
Maurice Clarrett: Sure dawg, but don't tell Coach Tressell.

by hexum January 20, 2005

561πŸ‘ 500πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

Ohio State Buckeys are the best college in the big ten, in football, basketball, hockey and many others. Many Michigan fans will tell you they suck, however that is only because they are bitter due to their extreme losses in the sport of football at the hands of Troy Smith and A.J. Hawk. To stray away from this fact they try to focus on Cleveland Ohio's professional teams such as the Cleveland Browns. But once again their just bitter because the Browns picked up Breylon Edwards the choke artist who cannot catch an 8 yard pass causing the Wolverines to once again lose to the Buckeyes. Michigan fans can say what they wish but the outcome will always end in a Buckeye victory.

Michigan fan: F the Ohio State Buckeyes we are going to own you guys this year
Ohio State fan: just like last year rite? and the year before that? and the year before that?

by Teddy Ginn April 18, 2006

330πŸ‘ 285πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

A Big 10 team who prides themselves on being "better" than the Michigan Wolverines because of how many wins they have. Little do any of those cock sucking fans know, Michigan has more wins, a higher win percentage record, more national titles(except for Princeton and Yale) AND more bowl games than any other team (not just OSU) in the ENTIRE NCAA. Not to mention Michigan leads OSU 54 -43.

OSU Fan: LOL I'm gonna go on urbandictionary and point out how Michigan is going to lose to Ohio State Buckeyes!

Michigan Fan: Hey, you lost.

OSU Fan: anhero.

by Konvett January 9, 2012

56πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Ohio State Buckeyes

A fan base of blowhard, egotistical, elitist children stuck following a team in their shit-hole state because there’s nothing else for them to live for; The Cleveland Browns suck, the Cleveland Indians suck, the Cleveland Cavaliers suck, and the last time the Buckeyes won anything remotely resembling a legitimate championship was, to the best of my recollection, about 800 years ago under some senile old bastard named Woody Hayes.

Then along comes the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. Sure, the Buckeye's QB Craig Krenzel was only 7-of-21, for 122 yards, with no touchdowns and two interceptions, but the Buckeyes had a secret weapon in the form of an incompetent ref by the name of Terry Porter. You see, Porter's blatantly obvious blunder snatched victory from the legitimate champion Miami Hurricanes and instead gift-wrapped the outcome for the Buckeyes. Unfortunately Porter's blown call against the Hurricanes has forever tainted the first Buckeye "title" (I'm even ashamed to call it that) in about 800 years.

Then, in the aftermath of this forever-tainted "title", hordes of long-deprived Buckeye fans streamed to NCAA message boards, repeatedly posting about how great Thee Ohio State University (Elitist, egotistical bastards anyone?) were during the 2002 season (even though the Buckeyes were incredibly fortunate not to lose 5 games during the season), and on top of that, posting about how there was absolutely no way that any team other than the Buckeyes would win the next 20 (or even more) championships while finding as may ways to β€œinsult” the University of Michigan as they could despite every one they struggled to think of only came out to sound like one-way childish name calling.

In the midst of all of this comes the revelation that the Buckeye's star running back was, in all likelihood, academically ineligible to even play in the Fiesta Bowl. The NCAA is still trying to sort out the mess.

Childish, egotistical, unwanted… that’s Thee Ohio State University.

by Linux System Message March 31, 2005

256πŸ‘ 393πŸ‘Ž