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Oliver North

Pseudo-patriotic sack of right wing monkey shit who was the errand boy/bagman in the Iran-Contra scandal, a right wing scheme in which arms were illegally sold to a hostile country and the profits used to fund a war in South America for which Congress specifically forbade tax dollars to be used. Convicted of lying to Congress, for which his military pension was revoked, his conviction was later overturned on appeal due to a technicality by a partisan judge. Later became a talk show host and ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate. Still regarded by the right wing of American politics as a hero, this lowlife will be forever associated with criminal wrongdoing and jinogism disguised as patriotism.

Oliver North is a disgrace to the United States Marine Corps and the United States of America.

by Samurai Sam September 29, 2006

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Pull an oliver north

Asked to and then playing the scapegoat for someone elses problem or mistake. (Sometimes without reguard to to the consequences). This is not to be taken likely as the ramifications could be dire or legally destructive to your life.

This is a tough, normally noble thing.

For further reference please see oliver north and the iran-contra affair

"Your really gonna pull an oliver north and take the blame for his bad decision"

by Theamazinggeek February 27, 2018