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On Your Mark, Get Set, Munch!

A restaurant Scott Wozniak owns. It is the first race-themed restaurant in his county. He sells cereal, Little Caesar's Pizza, and sandwiches, but he sells Banquet meals when the food is on fire. They clean your shoes too, by throwing them into a bathtub. They take customer interaction and customer service very seriously. They are also very resourceful, they use a closet for a waiting room for guests, they also have a room with 40 pounds of banana peels, and they use a calender from 2005. Instead of giving crayons to the kids to play with while they wait for the food, he gives them lead-based paints, that's because crayons are pretty toxic and they can't bring crayons to the kids after what happened in 2012. They also have a eating tactic called "Cop N Munch". Check it out!

I went to On Your Mark, Get Set, Munch! They served great food. They cleaned my shoes very well too!

by LongLiveRougeTheBat July 30, 2023

Marking Your Territory

When two people who are in love “Mark each other’s territories” by urinating on one another.

“Bro I peed on my girl last night.”

That’s dope dude, I’m proud of you for marking your territory.”

by Anonymousbabes86 May 3, 2021

11👍 4👎

marking your territory

Some animals cover an area with their scent to warn any other animals that they will not tolerate any competition in the area. Typically by pissing and shitting on it.

The animal marking the territory is usually already feared. If it isn't, it may have to enforce the marking of territory by initiating conflict with any animals that violate his territory.

This is usually an expression to refer to warning off potential competition.

Jenny: My husband has all these attractive female co-workers? What should I do?

Friend: Get to marking your territory. Put your best photo on his office desk. Have him leave with a ring on his finger.

by Sovereign2314 November 14, 2014

15👍 7👎

On Your Mark

A Japanese J-pop song by CHAGE & ASKA, more well known for its animated music video by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli.

"On Your Mark, Itsumo hashiri daseba..."

by LTPofficial March 5, 2023