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One Pump Man

A mighty hero capable of making the ladies orgasm in just one pump. His ruthless training regime consists of: 6 Nans an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and 366 days on leap years.

"Wow Levis, you really are One Pump Man!"

by Funnyneck January 28, 2017

One Pump Man

Usually a term for a man who prematurely ejaculates after just one, but powerful thrust.

That guy is a real one pump man

by Mulix February 13, 2017

One Pump Man

When you and your significant other are havin hot sex but you finish too early.

Man: Ugh uhnn

Woman: Did you already finish? Ugh you're definitely a one pump man

by ThisHobgoblin August 11, 2016

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