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one hundo

100% correct, you are dead certain and positive that its a fact.

friend- "yo is gotch bone chilling...?" Me- " yep one hundo"

by JP 23 28 August 12, 2009

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Expresses agreence with some one.

Guy 1 : I really like pizza.

Guy 2 : one-hundo

Guy 2 expresses he feels the same way towards pizza.

by Johnkf December 30, 2017

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

one hundo p

slang for β€œone hundred percent”

β€œare you down to go to the party tonight?”

β€œoh yeah, one hundo p”

by yellow bottle November 13, 2019

One hundo percento

A saying to depict enthusiastic agreement, but without looking excessive. The academic equivalent of "mood"

"Brain couldn't work out how to open phone"
"Brain needs phone-unable-to-open moments to balance out assessment moments"
"One hundo percento"

by Nikaf! May 2, 2021