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One Third

A derogatory term used to describe obnoxious, loud, and inconsiderate black people.

Chester is quietly studying in his dorm when all of a sudden, a group of black people come charging down the halls ripping things off the walls, banging on doors, and quoting "Lil Wayne." Chester says to himself, "Fuck the One Third in this school."

Jim and Jamal are in there rooms trying to sleep, meanwhile they over here a disturbance in the hall ways...
"Shit homie that Solja Boy concert was off da hook, lemme get wild and run da hallways crankin it!"

Jamal says to Jim, "Those One Third really gives my race a bad name."

by A college student. October 30, 2009

6👍 9👎

one third rule

A restriction for anal sex invented by director Kevin Smith. When the penis is longer than 6 inches, you can demand that it is only inserted 1/3 the way in.

His cock was so long that she demanded the one third rule!

by JohnnyFlash71 October 15, 2010

139👍 29👎