Source Code

Only you

Train. Hunt. Kill. Sacrifice.
Cull the herd.
Only you...
Can make all this world seem right.
Only you...
Can make the darkness bright.

Person 1: Good. Cull the herd.
Person 1: You are a warrior.
Person 1: Only you...

by Deputy Pratt April 24, 2019

75πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

only you

... can make this world seem right...
Only you can make the darkness bright... Only you...

Hey, only you could have gotten this close.

by Lacβ„œoiX January 27, 2019

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

only you

You're the only person I know that would do that.

Mike: I ran 3 miles in the park today and couldn't wait until I got home to lay down, so I took a power nap in the grass.
Jake: only you.

by Mamemass September 30, 2015

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

if only you were lonely

An album by hawthorne heights. One of the greatest albums ive ever heard. All the songs are great! Except the song "Decembers" which sucks!

dune #1: have you heard hawthorne heights new album "if only you were lonely"?

dune #2: yeah, it totally rocks!!!!

by shaun1 September 9, 2006

28πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

spawn balls (only for you)

basically spawning balls in a game called slenderman teletubbies. there once was a hacker sharing their screen in a vc when skwanky (me) joined it and saw the hackers's menu so i quickly took a screenshot and shared it with the mods. after that, i sent it in the main zeoworks discord server and some guy called hanez made a quick meme out of it, but then another guy came and fused it with the femboy hooters meme. that guy is called adal, and btw adal, stop claiming it as yours or else, i do sex with you. and this is the origins of the spawn balls only for you meme.

guy1: hey man, wanna play slendytubbies?
guy2: oh? so you want me to spawn balls (only for you) ?
guy1: YES

by spawn balls (only for you) September 11, 2020

only fuckin with you

1.Only having sexual encounters with you
2.Joking with you

1. Boy/Girlfriend: "I'm only fuckin with you, babe"
2. Friend: "I'm only fucking with you, man"

by SqirtThePup October 17, 2015

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

the only ____ here is you

a complete baboons way of a comeback

1: you retard
2: the only retard here is you

1: lol k

the only ____ here is you

by a username that hasn’t been- June 13, 2021

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