Source Code

Outta Pocket

Word used for when someone is out of line or acting up

Person: Dude that Danielle girl from Dr. Phil is just outta pocket,
You: That's what I'm sayin

by Keyiada February 18, 2017

794πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

another word for saying someone crossed a line or to say when someone said something out of nowhere

Commenter: Pov sia trapped in beyonce's basement

by a glass of water May 31, 2021

58πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

When somebody says something that was too messed up to be said in a conversation

Oh wow that’s outta pocket

by The Real Christian E. May 24, 2022

42πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

to do somthing outta pocket mean that u did something hella fucked up or stupid

gerl i saw u wit ma nigga last night BITCH THAT WAS HELLA OUTTA POCKET

by SHIZZLE February 12, 2005

422πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

PIMP slang for when a hoe starts actin up.

Yo man your hoe is straight outta pocket

Bitch you outta pocket shut the fuck up.

by Wishful Thinking November 11, 2005

421πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

When a person or persons acts like an idiot or doesn't follow the rules per say.

"Why's she acting like that!? Bitch is Outta Pocket!!"

by Ksmoothy September 11, 2019

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Outta Pocket

when you do sometin outta pocket it means you did something hella fucked up or stupid

gerl i saw u i wit ma man last night,THATS HELLA OUTTA POCKET BITCH!!

by SHIZZLE February 12, 2005

134πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž