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Parkinson's disease

A progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes tremors, stiffness, and rigidity in the muscles. There is no known cause or cure. Mohammad Ali and Michael J Fox both suffer from early onset Parkinson's disease. Early onset parkinsons often ends in a wheel chair with the ability to only move their eyes.

My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

by Educatedperson October 12, 2014

27👍 3👎

parkinson's disease

The habit of stabing people.

Look at all the people you've stabbed, you've got parkinsons disease

by NiggaNig October 27, 2003

11👍 98👎

Linkin Parkinson's Disease

A condition in which one suffers from overwhelming body spasms, the constant metamorphosis of hair on ones head, tourettes-like yelling and random changing of your vocal characteristics

Billy: did you see Tom at the ITunes festival yesterday? He looked crazy, what was wrong with him?

Jake: he was suffering from an insane case of Linkin Parkinson's Disease.

by Theshadowoftheday August 17, 2011

18👍 38👎