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Pee Poo Party

A Pee-Poo-Party (PPP) is when you have a group of people, depending on your gender and what your preference is, standing around in a circle with a single person sitting in the middle while everyone standing around them pees and craps all over their face and body. The subject being "Humiliated" can do as he/she pleases while receiving a warm shower from the Gods above. In the form of humiliation, the subject 'sub' may cry or squirm in displeasure and maybe be forced to swallow whatever fluids or fecal matter that may come. Otherwise, it can be done in some cultures as an initiation of becoming an adult or can be done by the LGBTQ community because they are satanists and enjoy that shit.

There's an ad on Craigslist for a pee poo party at an abandoned movie theater downtown main street tomorrow. It said something about a guys wife disobeyed him and her punishment is a bunch of rando's taking turns unloading everything they got in her face sounds like a party to me!

by Uncle Renegade May 23, 2020