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people are starving

Default phrase used by jealous, bitter and prejudiced people who try to self-righteously point to some humanitarian reason for not liking a person or event rather than expose their own baseless, misdirected and personal grudges.

The user will desperately search for ANY possible reason to criticize an event or another person, but after realizing that their criticisms are unjustified and irrelevant, this fall-back phrase is utilized; The user knows that this phrase is not only impossible to disagree with, but it also cleverly blames the person or event in question for the fact that people are starving.

It should be noted that the user of this phrase will do everything to maintain the illusion that they are a righteous person for thinking about starving people, yet the user himself has done absolutely NOTHING to help these people, and never will.

"Hey, did you see Obama play basketball the other day?"
"No, people are starving and all he wants to do is play basketball..."

"Did you see the Miss Universe Pageant last night??"
"I don't watch that crap, because people are starving...."

"Hey, wanna come with me to the mall?"
"Uhh, I don't go to the mall, people are starving..."

by Grackle November 25, 2009

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