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period cramps

When it’s that time of the month for lady’s and you get cramps that feel like somebody is kicking you in the freakin stomach repeatedly and you don’t want to do anything because your in so much pain because Mother Nature decide to give women periods and not men and if even one man says “is it that time of the month again” you want to kick him repeatedly

I have period cramps so if I leave you unread that’s why

by Thepig04 June 28, 2018

90👍 6👎

period cramps

when it’s that time of the month and you feel like someone is quite literally stabbing you with a fucking knife into your uterus and it makes you want to punch the first person you see

i’m on my period and these period cramps make me want to throw myself off a cliff

by ihateveryone12345 August 21, 2020

period cramps

When your on your "period"those sharp pains in your lower belly. and hurts like hell!!

Skylar: "Can I have some advil"?
Meghan: "Period cramps"?
Skylar; yes!

by ForeverYoung97 October 9, 2013

40👍 4👎

Period cramps

The pain caused by the contractions the uterus undergoes during the menstrual period.

Males- while you may get unexplained erections on occasion, it is not comparable to period cramps. Period cramps are an experience (that often feels like death itself) that many women suffer through for several days each month.
Keep this in mind for future endeavors.

While undergoing period cramps, Susan was unable to move from her bed because the pain she felt was debilitating.

by Mistlebone March 2, 2017

27👍 3👎

Period cramps

Mother nature being a bitch.
Pain mother nature I flicts on females for fun.

These period cramps are killing me!

by Eatingahotpocketrn June 9, 2018

25👍 4👎