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The legendary god who winked at Chuck Norris’s mom and she was instantly pregnant with one bad ass baby.

Pickett showed Chucks mom what’s up

by Sizzling jay January 23, 2020


A man with too much sugar in his tank.

Yhea he is a guy but he is so pickett.

by John 220 October 24, 2007

20👍 48👎

Kenny Pickett

The act of replacing your girlfriend with a hotter, better, finer, more beautiful looking specimen.

Because lets all be real. We all dated that one fucking ogre looking mf who smelled like rancid dog ass and who would flirt with a fucking stone if given the chance.

Guy 1: Bro I just Kenny Pickett my girl. She looked like a troll fetus!

Guys friends: That's what we have been trying to tell you!

by HughJass1986 July 9, 2023

david pickett

David Pickett is a man who really loves his Zom Zoms and Flamey boys

David Pickett: “Were you vaping in the bathroom Lilly?”

Lilly: “No I was doing the macarena with David Pickett”

by Thickypotpie April 14, 2022

jace pickett

Jace pickett is an amazing caring guy. He will always be there for you and is willing to fight for what he wants. When he falls in love, he falls hard!! He is so sweet and will always have your back. If you have him as your boyfriend you are one lucky girl because there is no one like him!!❤❤❤

Oml... Have you seen jace pickett

by Ashley Claire February 27, 2019

Julia Pickett

A nasty bitch who is two-faced, knowone likes her in high school. She has a stang pussy.

Guy: i'd Hate to be her. she is a julia pickett
Girl: She is a Julia Pickett

by 123abc456pickupsticks October 26, 2011

9👍 2👎

Tanners Pickett

A Tanners Pickett is when somebody jacks off during class but somehow never gets caught.

Person 1: "Look at that dude, he is totally doing a Tanners Pickett"
Person 2: "In the middle of History?"

by breakfastskillet March 16, 2022