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The process of having one's interest in porn renewed at a later time because of a new exposure to great porn.

Man, my brother gave me his porn library when he got married, and boy was I porn-again; those DVDs were awesome!

by L. Guentert January 22, 2008

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

porn again

porn again: 1. Religious people who backslide into horny habits. e.g., Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker.
2. What Tea Leoni says to David Duchovny every night, afternoon, hour, whatever.

Ex: Cheri: Hey!! Turn that crap off! You know we go to church now! I thought you were over porn.
Roderick: Honey, I’m not born again, I’m porn again.
Cheri: Not funny!! Take your hand out of your pants!

Ex: Tiffany: Debbie, lookit this! Another porn again preacher on the tele! He impregnated his church secretary.
Debbie: Is it Jessica Hahn? What happened to her? She’s so eighties.

by heather acq May 2, 2008

30πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž