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power violence

Power Violence is a musical genre combining hardcore punk and grindcore. Characterized by intense speed and radical tempo changes. Blast beats one moment to slow sludgy music the next.
Man is the Bastard officially coined the term Power Violence in their song Hispanic Small Man Power (H.S.M.P)

Crossed Out, No Comment, Manpig, Capitalist Causalities, Man is the Bastard West Coast Power Violence. Lets fucking go! KICK ASS!!!

by GooseAbuse April 24, 2007

97👍 17👎

power violence

A loosely defined sub-style of hardcore which almost completely eschews traditional song structure in favor of an all-out blitz-speed musical attack. More well-known power violence bands include Infest, Spazz, and Scholastic Deth.

That band is more grindcore than power violence, but they use elements of both.

by Tyler Hauck January 7, 2004

102👍 20👎