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Pro Fortnite Gamer

A Pro Fornite Gamer is a person that spends hours and hours on the game Fornite, also they never take showers and they're fat as shit.

Look at that Pro Fortnite Gamer he/she's so fat.

by Big Bman October 14, 2022

1👍 1👎

pro fortnite gamer move

When you do something that only a pro gamer would do in Fortnite Battle Royal.

I did what you call a pro fortnite gamer move!

by DoctrSTrange November 20, 2019

10👍 3👎

pro fortnite gamer

from the parody song "chug jug wwith you"
used when a player is really sweaty but respectable, wich is almost never (but possible).

Dang, he's a pro fortnite gamer.

by sussy amogus imposter#7 August 31, 2021