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pull birds

To pull birds does not mean 'to look at the ladies'. Obviously MoonKnight has never been with a girl if that is his definition. Pull birds means more than check them out it means cop off with them.

"I've not had a bit of action for a while."
"Don't worry, mate I'll wing man for you."
"Great, let's get out and pull some birds."

by The Strut October 13, 2004

89👍 17👎

pull birds

To check out the ladies.

Oi! Let's go pull some birds!

by MoonKnight January 23, 2003

7👍 61👎

pull a dirty bird

This is where a man is at the bar buying a woman drinks and another man swoops in and takes the drunk woman home for sex without spending a single dollar. While pulling a dirty bird one could add insult to injury by doing the infamous Atlanta Falcons Dirty Bird dance to celebrate.

If you are out at the bar and notice a dirty bird type woman accepting free drinks from another man, one could swoop in and pull a dirty bird on the dirty bird.

by pornopilot July 27, 2008

4👍 4👎