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pulling a jeffrey

When you poop in a pool

Look Jeffrey shit in the pool again. Pulling a Jeffrey.

by cbergsyo July 12, 2014

pulling a jeffrey

To take a joke or prank too far

1: Dude stop lying
2: I wasn't lying!!!
1:You lie too much

2:At least I'm not a fag like you

1:I'm joking! Quit pulling a Jeffrey

by chicken niglets March 23, 2015

Pull a Jeffrey Dahmer

Pulling a Jeffrey Dahmer,” is when someone cannibalizes or eats a another humans flesh. First made famous by Kesha’s song “Cannibal,” Jeffrey Dahmer was an American Serial killer who was known for killing his victims and then eating there flesh.

Yeah, I’ll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer.

I’m so hungry I could pull a Jeffrey Dahmer.

by Urmomkindasucksngl July 4, 2021

9👍 5👎

Pulling a Jeffrey

When you actively avoid every and any form of necessary social interaction that involves making plans for other people such as friends, family ect. This involves waiting to the last possible second to put together slapdash plans and excessive amounts of procrastination generally initiated by a male specimen.

Jane: Andrew is putting off our holiday planning. We only have a week before we are supposed to go. He always does this!

Ariana: Sounds like your man is Pulling a Jeffrey

by Totallylily:) August 17, 2017