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Punch Me Face

A term given to a person, usually a man, that has an excruciating characteristic, usually physical, that makes you unwillingly want to deck them in the face. They pretty much look like huge assholes, you'll know one when you see one. They may not necessarily be an asshole. Jack Nicholson and AJ Pierzynski have intense punch me faces.

"I got fired from work today."
"No shit? Why?"
"I don't know, my boss just has this punch me face."

by ShaneP!!! June 11, 2007

30👍 6👎

Punch me face

A persons face that simply by its presence demands action, usually punching (kicking, slapping or stabbing also apply).

Victims are helpless to resist physically damaging people who don't cover up their 'Punch me face' due to an allergic reaction with the optic nerve.

Examples include but are not limited to: Justin Bieber, The cast of jersey shore

Person1: There is a Justin Bieber gig tonight.
Person2: They have to pay security A LOT to keep the audience back at his gigs
Person1: why? His musak sucks!
Person2: Yes, but he has punch me face
Person1: You mean like the cast of Jersey Shore?
Person2: Correct Sir!

by punchlinestapler September 23, 2010

9👍 7👎

Punch me in the face

When someone's so attractive, any physical contact will do. People who feel a strong attraction to a good looking person will often throw this term around. Variants include "kick my ass into outer space", "stomp on me", etc.

"Ugh, Fletcher Shears is so hot, I want him to punch me in the face!"
"Punch me in the face please."

by girlfriendgoat August 22, 2018

33👍 10👎