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Put The Bitch Down

To hit a woman square in the face (above the nose but below the forehead) so as to knock her out. This is to be done on ONLY one of these three conditions:
1.) Said woman comes at you with a knife in an attempt to kill you.
2.) Said woman points a gun at you.
3.) Said woman attempts to poison you by mixing the poison into your food or drink and you catch her and know that it is poison and not something else.

Once the "Bitch" is down, it is customary to phone the police and/or tie her up. Hitting her more than once in the face or in any other situation classifies you as a "Woman Beater".

"Put The Bitch Down" can be used in past or future tense.

NOTE The word "Bitch" is not used in this definition as an insult to women.

Past Tense

Example 1.) "She pointed my Desert Eagle at me, so I Put The Bitch down."

Future Tense

Example 2.) "If she comes at me with a knife, I'll have to Put The Bitch Down."

by Sam Douglas April 1, 2006

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