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queen's university

Located in Kingston, Ontario; Queen's University boasts some of the most prestigious undergraduate and graduate programs in all of Canada. Along with McGill and UWO, it is among the highest of Canadian Ivy League Universities. Queen's University is well known for its intense school spirit, and predominantly Caucasian student body.

You should be jealous that I go to Queen's University.

by Megan Harmer October 12, 2007

488๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen's university

A fairly prestigious Canadian university located on the shore of lake Ontario, in Kingston, Ontario. Known for strong traditions. Commerce and engineering are among the reputable programs.

I applied to Queen's university, Waterloo, University of Toronto, and McGill.

by A112 April 18, 2011

113๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen's University

Queen's is an internationally known Canadian university situated near the downtown of the city of Kingston. With beautiful architecture consistent throughout the entirety of the university's buildings, and renowned undergraduate and graduate faculties, it is an attractive university choice for many successful students. Queen's also has one of the highest entrance averages throughout all of Canada. In addition, the university boasts a graduate rate well above the nation wide average. Considered a Canadian Ivy league school Queen's has many assumed rivals, yet the students see few other universities worthy of rivalry and outdo all other universities in terms of academics and a variety of sports. Queen's graduates are often hardworking individuals and highly intelligent. These students have the opportunity to partake in a variety of traditions throughout the school year which are unique to the university.

Queen's University students aren't even allowed to wear their leather jackets until they finish their last exam! I wish we had leather jackets and cool traditions at our school

by Cane Doe December 16, 2010

329๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen's University

A school where people train to become professional snobs.

Person 1: "Man, Alex has become kind of a snob."

Person 2: "That's because he goes to Queen's University."

by blindmuse April 16, 2009

345๐Ÿ‘ 306๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen's University

A university located in Kingston Ontario that will take all your money and leave you ewith nothing but emotional damage and a fuckin expensive ass leather jacket you will never wear after you graduate.

You will start in first year full of hope and optimism but will promptly be crushed by the crippling weight of your own inadequacy and illitercy. Beware frequent police notifications about recently released sexual predators in your community and overpriced bus tickets.

The food is great tho. You better like pub food.

**cough**wuck festern **cough**

Yeah Queen's University Engineering is way better than Queen's Commerce. Sorry it's just facts.

by definitelynotkswizzle March 13, 2022

Queens University

A Canadian Ivy League university that teaches pretentiousness over any other quality, usually attracting professors with many prestigious and utterly meaningless awards, and students from rich suburbs who can afford to waste time and money on an education in snobbery.

Queens University is the only university where coming to class looking like a hungover slob still means your outfit cost more than a decent car.

by light_bright January 5, 2012

119๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen's University

An overrated, privileged school for fuck boi little bastards. They use daddy's line of credit to pay an un-godly sum of money for their heavenly little children to learn how to throw shitty jams. There students free marks an top of that. 95% of their student population is rich kids who went to private schools with daddy's guap. If you rich fucks want your child to come back more retarded than when he/she left, this is the place to be (or Western as a back up)!

McMaster student: Yo fam I heard there's a jam up at Queen's University this weekend for hoco?
Ryerson student: Naw bun the Queen's, those waste yutes bout to catch a defaz straight to the dome.

McMaster student: Ah maybe I'll go up just to slide in with a blonde thooter.

by young buckeroo October 29, 2018

27๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž