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Rinsing Machine

A machine used for rinsing bottles during the manufacturing process of soft drinks, not to be confused with a filling machine.

"Dude I still can't tell the difference from the rinsing machine and filling machine."
"Its so obvious, simply disappointing that you can't tell the difference."

by Conjure04 November 23, 2020

Filling Machine or Rinsing Machine

The penultimate question we homosapiens always have about what type of machine we saw was a filling machine (which FILLS THE SODA BOTTLES) or rinsing machine (which RINSES THE SODA BOTTLES), which is usually found in the Kiri Soda factory in Uganda. The answer is simple: Don’t get them confused.

Friend 1: Hey bro, is this thing a filling machine or rinsing machine?
Friend 2: How the hell did you get out of the basement?
Friend 1: Through the filling machine.
Friend 2: That’s a rinsing machine.
Friend 1: I really think you’re wrong.
Friend 2: I really think you should get back in the basement.

by p0ps0da April 8, 2021