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Reddit Tier

Something is reddit tier when it is broadly appealing to high school/college age white boys. It must be obsessed with science without actually understanding science, and it should discount any attempt to explain something through philosophy, or god forbid (lol) religion.

Bro your opinion on Descartes is reddit tier. It's absolutely possible that there is a you other than the one in your body.

by my name is not billy February 2, 2021

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When something inline that is non-serious is seemingly given extra attention to detail in order to gain more notoriety/β€œlikes” to inflate the user’s self importance.

That post was reddit-tier cringe.

by Starmandx May 3, 2020

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž