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Rest Day

Something bitches do when their body can't handle the gains from the gym.

Nigel, I might take a rest day today.

by kjlhkjhuhjknh June 27, 2018

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Rest day

What weaklings do when they can't handle real gains and are too weak to embrace the power of the Greek gods.

The weak person had to take a rest day because he was too weak to embrace masculinity and manliness.

by Greekgodlookalike January 30, 2022

rest of your days

(idiom) the rest of your life.

I will be with you for the rest of your days (Divorced after three years)

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 5, 2004

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take the rest of the day off

To abandon all other events in one's day in order to masturbate for hours.

(abbreviation for: Take The rest of the day off to J-off)

"Dom likes to take the rest of the day off."

Dialogue: "Where's Jimbo?"
"Oh, He's taking the rest of the day off."

by Anonymous..... October 28, 2005

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Have a Nice Rest of Your Day

When your cordially invited to go Fuck yourself!

History: When in the Hell did we start inserting β€œrest of your” in the salutation, β€œHave a nice (rest of your) day!”

I.E. When you leave a small tip, or in current times, when you frequent almost any establishment, and upon exiting the premises an employee will say, β€œHave a nice REST of your day!”

by AWA2000 December 12, 2021

Rest day

A day where you allow your aged body to recover, or you do the opposite like Andrea Moss and run when you said you wouldn’t.

I was gonna run today but decided I need a rest day

by Local legend March 17, 2023

Rest day Mike

An elderly grey haired old goat of a man who pretends to his peers that he works but actually does sweet f.a. and gets caught out regularly.

I can't believe Rest day Mike said he was working even after we caught him in the kings head getting leathered

by Dren88 August 13, 2023