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Right Oh

Like Ok, or right on. Used with an English accent.

Friend: I'm getting some really good herb today!

You: Right oh!!!

by Shannon May 6, 2005

40πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Yeah Right Oh

A sarcastic phrase used typically by people up north.

Dave: Hey Tristan I hear your giving out free bags of Weed.

Tristan: Yeah Right OH!

by LondonDave September 29, 2008

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

oh right

An statement to say when somebody is saying something which you have no interest in at all, but they are extremely enthusiastic about.
Has to be sed in a low tone of voice whith not much pitch change.

Helen: OMG jade has gone up a cup size.
Amy:......oh right *no eye contact*

by Elenor May 13, 2005

72πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Oh right, okay

When there’s nothing left to say except those three little words, you’d use the statement of β€œOh right, okay.” To reply to someone that has either a) hurt your feelings or b) told you something that you weren’t previously aware of.

Typically used amongst British people.

β€œSo I told a white lie - I didn’t actually want to meet your family, I just felt like it was way too soon.”

β€œOh right, okay.”

by fuckinwellpissedoffm8 July 2, 2019

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

oh right gtg

A thing guys say when they need to go

"oh right gtg"-boy
"Oh ok, bye ig"-girl

by cierra42 July 24, 2021