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Risky Business

A mixed alcoholic beverage consisting of two parts rum, one part whiskey, four fluid ounces of coke, and four fluid ounces of a fruity drink of your choice.

I went to the bar last night and ordered a risky business. My friends called me a queer but changed their minds when they actually tried it.

by itonner231 March 14, 2010

60👍 13👎

Risky Business

Having sex without the use of any sort of birth control

Jonny and his girlfriend were broke and horny, so they jumped in the backseat of his car for some Risky Business

by XSTUTCHX March 9, 2009

15👍 22👎

Risky business

Having a hooker throw a party at her spot. Then rob the place after and make her buy back the stuff you stolen. Then using that money to pay for one class at community college.

Dam, I had to do a little risky business for these 3 credits

by Wetnapkin December 30, 2017

5👍 5👎