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River Forest

A wealthy town in the western suburbs of Chicago in Illinois. River Forest is known for it's beautiful houses, expensive cars, and old money lifestyle. One of the richest towns in Illinois.

Out of towner: oh my goodness this place is amazing look at all the beautiful houses. What town is this?

Friend of Out of towner: This is the one and only River Forest

by Inthewrightwitfrank September 23, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

River Forest

A conservative town west of Oak Park, IL and north of Forest Park, IL. A place where people complain about the things that they don't have; when in reality they have a lot. A disgrace to all the good work that the Forest Park people have done to liven up their city. Also a disgrace to the name of Oak Park High School which has been corrupted since 1900 w/ River Forest attached to it.

I heard everyone in River Forest voted for George Bush last election. Yeah, it's too bad that they can't have their own school; instead they have to suck off the tit of Oak Park.

by FoPaSean March 25, 2007

109๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

River Forest,Illinois

Affluent neighborhood west of Chicago in the Chicagoland area. Large estately homes and manors paint the streets. People are affluent but relatively friendly. Posh is the rule here. Often over-looked as being a jewel of the Chicagoland area. Doctors,Lawyers,professionals and Entertainers and Atheletes use this town as a secret hideaway. Once home to some of history's greatest mobsters. The town has some of the most goregous and beautiful mansions and homes. Designer clothing is common here. BMWs are considered to be a "Low-Key" car and a everyday driver. Lamborghinis and Ferraris are common and Bentleys are seen daily. Mercedes Benz C-class is considered a car for a teenager only!!! The brat factor is live and well here but coverted "Brat-ism" is a resident here as it is not "Posh" to be a outwardly obvious "spoiled brat" Not uncommon for boys to wear Louis vuitton Bookbags and carry 1,500 dollar duffle bags around. Many girls have over 15 pairs of Red bottoms. Its a secret mecca away from the so "watched" neighborhoods. Its a town of obvious wealth that doesn't need to be consistantly promoted. Snobbery isnt king here so you wont find racism against race but rather against economic classes. Social status matters here along with economic status.

Biff:Look at that young black kid driving the new Bentley GTC Supersports.

Andy: Dude, of course that's pretty common he lives in River Forest,Illinois

by brendionton September 21, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oak Park & River Forest High School

1. The weirdest combination of crazy-rich rofo hos and ghetto kids you'll ever spend four years with.

2. A couple kids go to Harvard, most fail to meet No Child Left Behind.

3. Everyone smokes pot. Everyone. Especially the gym teachers.

@ college

OPRF kid: Yeah, I went to Oak Park & River Forest High School

New Trier kid: Man, I came close to city limits once and I was almost mugged by a group of OPRF kids.

OPRF kid: They were probably all in my consumer ed class..

by heyohmesayayo March 7, 2011

97๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oak Park and River Forest High School

a public high school in oak park, west of chicago. more then half the kids smoke hella weed and party, the other half are from river forest, and are good church-going, rule abiding citizens. kids there love pot. and so do some teachers. Sometimes known as "Smoke Park" and "Reefer Forest"

Damn I gotta meet my dealer down at Oak Park and River Forest High School

OPRF! Go Huskies!

by abcd12321 December 16, 2010

117๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oak Park River Forest High School

Located on 201 Scoville Ave, students are three thirds white, one fourth hater, and one third potheads who bleed orange n blue. White kids are constantly trying to disassociate with the fact they they are, in fact, white. The underclass caf, or fight club, think theyre tough but every breath just adds another chromosome to their body. The upperclass caf is loud with kids who want to be noticed before they graduate. Art hoes, or stuckup kids with sticks so far up they can't sit, are notoriously known for never letting anyone into art spaces. Self diagnose is the true way to go so don't complain unless you have ten disabilities and four aneurysms a day. Drama kids could drown in tears cried over the fact they donโ€™t have friends. Band canโ€™t stop banging eachother. Sports kids suck their way to the top and act like gods, but really they're as sad as the rest of us, if not more. The fifteen million other clubs just exist. All OPRF kids are stuckup entitled whiners who donโ€™t understand what a life is. They think they do, but being friends with sophomore science teachers ain't gonna give jobs. The freshmen have filled the halls with vape and look like two yearolds. It's a surprise we're still alive. No wonder no college wants us. Its a pain for anyone who is slightly less engrossed in living their golden years out in highschool. Overall theyre a bunch of sleepdeprived potheads trying to ignore the petty cliques constantly indirecting anyoneโ€œtriggeringโ€.

OPRF Student : "Yeah I go to Oak Park River Forest High School it's pretty well known n all. Go Huskies!"
Literally anyone from outside of Oak Park: "What's OPRF?"
OPRF Student: :0

by lemonbitch January 12, 2019

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oak Park and River Forest High School

Itโ€™s one of those places you love and hate at the same time. Majority of people there do drugs(smoke weed usually) and the other portion fucking hates drugs. The parties are usually kick backs but you do get the occasional banger(really depends on your friend group). Every year this school get crazier! Watch your back for backstabbing hoe friends and douchebags. Also half the people there will say theyโ€™re from Chicago... bitch no you ainโ€™t

College student: I went to Oak Park and River Forest High School, โ€œitโ€™s in Chicagoโ€.
Other student: oh youโ€™re one of those...

by justanotherwhitebitch May 7, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž