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trippin' of of ecstasy ;

Young <i>tfunk</i> was rolling hard at the rave..

by el rey March 27, 2003

2446๐Ÿ‘ 677๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Fucked from MDMA
2. Driving/Cruising in a car
3. Leaving a scene/Saying goodbye

1. "Are you rolling tonight?"
2. Used interchangeably with 'Cruisin'.
3. "Lets roll."

by Diego June 20, 2003

1714๐Ÿ‘ 583๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used when one is high on ecstasy.

E-Tard: Hey, Libra...you rolling yet???

Libra: Hell yea, baby! That pill kicked in nasty! Hey, did I ever tell you that I love you???

by Libra Chic October 31, 2005

1713๐Ÿ‘ 651๐Ÿ‘Ž


Laughing one's ass off

Guy 1: Man that comedy club is great! Last time I was there I was laughing my ass off!
Guy 2: Yeah man, I was rolling!

by According to me November 7, 2013

136๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you get messed up off ecstasy. This is somewhat like less physical orgasms, just extreme bliss and true euphoria. Touching people feels so good, and dancing id effortless and uninhibited. It's not exactly like losing all control, you still have your morals, you just feel less obligated to follow them.

Steph was rolling face at the concert last night, she was all over that guy!

by Super roller September 10, 2006

764๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rolling is the high you get from droppin` (eating/swallowing) a baum (or ecstasy). About 30min to an hour after droppin` a baum you will start to feel this relaxed, flowing body high. it'll start off soft, and then get heavier. The intesity of your high will rise (which is called peaking), and then drop a bit. Then it'll get a lil' higher, and drop a bit again. That "rolling" feeling will continue untill the high is done (between 5-8 hours).

I'm rolling so hard right now fool!

by hosef June 6, 2006

1010๐Ÿ‘ 485๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the greatest feelings in the world. Absolute bliss.

I took a Blue Eagle last tuesday and I've been rolling for 3 days. I don't know why and quite frankly I don't care.

by Being sober is for the weak. February 24, 2007

501๐Ÿ‘ 240๐Ÿ‘Ž