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Name usually associated with people who are very good at surfing, normally will become a pro or will be known for charging in the waves

Google search: Starck
Google answer: Pro surfer
Person 1: hear about that Starck person who surfs?
Person 2: oh yeah he's that pro surfer who rips

by Dictionaryprosurferguy October 13, 2010

19👍 1👎

Emil Starck

A guy that has a large penis.

Is that Emil Starck? Yes how did you know? I can see the buldge on his pants!

by OldGuy69 March 13, 2019


A man who is incredibly talented at playing bags.

The starck of bags has won the championship tournament 3 years running.

by Seamus O'Tool September 25, 2007

1👍 13👎