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sugar baby

A young female or male who is financially pampered/cared for by a sugar daddy or sugar mama in exchange for companionship (i.e. sexual favors).

Mary Ann bought her sugar baby a new iPhone, brand new lapop, and a nice flat overlooking the water after he gave her a decent humping last night.

by antitrustfund August 10, 2009

1312๐Ÿ‘ 466๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

a woman who provides companionship and/or sexual relations for a wealthy, older man in exchange for expensive gifts and/or money; a "gold digger"

If you're a rich man and your woman pays attention to you only when she wants your credit card, you're bein' played by a sugar baby!

by Silky Smooth December 22, 2003

552๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

Usually a young attractive girl typically between the ages of 18 - 26 that dates an older male who is financially stable in exchanges for companionship, gifts and sex. Many people consider this legal prostitution.

Rick "Hey man, you see that slut ass bitch Jenny going out with that old geezer?"

James "Hahaha yeah, shes being a sugar baby , just taking his cash in return to sucking his wrinkly dick"

by gustavo lima December 15, 2012

202๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

a whore, usually over-priced and operating under a false veneer of romance, often successful in securing repeat business from one particular john (sugar daddy).

The CEO enjoys spending the weekend with his sugar baby and doesn't mind having to cough up over $3000 to get some from her.

by Figleaf23 August 11, 2007

231๐Ÿ‘ 298๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

A gold digger pretending to be a broke ass college girl. Usually owns chanel, and gucci, or anything italian.

On a normal day:
sugar baby: *eyes the pockets of some random millionaire* ayy wanna hang awwt?
random: no mate.
sugar baby: well i saw your pockets.
random: oh these? *pulls out money* here you go. some play money. wanna hang out?
sugar baby: oh no i remember my friend calling me about a reunion sorry.
random: gold digging ho-bitch

by watdafuq January 9, 2019

49๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

In English, the older than a lot of people and providing material support called Sugar Daddy, and directed at young people who go to the substance called Sugar Baby.But now ,younger rich or successful men can also be the sugar daddy ,girls who are beauty and looking for rich can also to be sugar baby .

My best friend Jeny has just announced her wedding with a handsome millionaire,she becomes a sugar baby and they meet through the sugarbabyfish.com.

by jonathan joestar March 31, 2014

42๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

sugar baby

a younger woman that goes for older men

kara is such a sugar baby!

by popovpumpkin November 24, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž