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saint kitts and nevis

one of the carribbean's many tourist countries. a former british colony, it was the last nation in the region to actually attempt to keep its sugar industry. eventually, it succumbed to pressure and is now just a tourist destination for americans, canadians, and euros.

alexander hamilton was born in saint kitts and nevis

by Ben E. Hama January 31, 2007

15👍 3👎

did you just violate 72 laws proper to the court of king demetrius demarcus bartholomew james III jr of saint kitts and nevis's governmental association?

The phrase you say when your man does or says some dumb shit. Also used to express superiority.

(don't try to explain yourself after someone replies because you will look like a retard, just reply with 'ok' or 'bruh')

Guy 1: "Big chungus isnt funny"

Guy 2: "did you just violate 72 laws proper to the court of king demetrius demarcus bartholomew james III jr of saint kitts and nevis's governmental association?"

by mentally challenged ladder February 1, 2021

4👍 2👎