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Saint Michael

Project JOJO rapper, a black man and a father to DKT

Someone: "Ay yo you know who made the song "Rolling stones""
Someone else: "Yeah! It was Saint Michael!"

by Dragoni December 23, 2020

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Saint Michael's College

In Colchester, Vermont...about 10 minutes from UVM and downtown Burlington. It's a 45 minute drive to Smuggs and students get $30 season passes.

Saint Mike's is the greatest with the nicest, friendliest people and a very tight-knit community. They promote volunteer opportunities, wilderness programs, campus ministry, many Study Abroad opportunities, and various other campus clubs and programs.

Saint Michael's College smuggs burlington volunteer study abroad campus

by ILikeMikes July 19, 2011

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Saint Michael, Minnesota

Town in central Minnesota with a population of around 14,000. Full of hicks, wannabe hicks, and more hicks. Basically hated by everyone who doesn't live there. Full of stupid drama, racism, and idiots. Don't move here if you can avoid it.

Guy 1: Man, Saint Michael, Minnesota must be a tiny farm town! It's full of hicks!
Guy 2: No, they just think it's cool to wear cowboy boots and ride their lawnmowers to school.

by A guy who lives there September 29, 2011

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Saint Michael's College

A place full of memers, filthy fortnite players and people who spend hundreds of dollars on Fortnite cosmetics.

I heard he bought he went to Saint Michael's College, no wonder why he's so good.

by A student at a school August 14, 2018

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mount saint michael academy

All boys catholic school in The Bronx, NY. You'll find kinds skipping class and playing cee-lo (dice game) on campus. A lot of kids from Mount end up going to college however, because we do enough work just to skate by. We are all rowdy as fuck, and try to get bitches from Cardinal Spellman High School. Commonly referred as ''The Mount'' or ''Mount''

Person #1: I go to Mount Saint Michael Academy nigga
Person #2: Oh word? You play cee-lo?

by Lexi's man June 30, 2014

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Mount Saint Michaels Academy

An all boy’s school located in the Bronx. (also on the border of Mount Vernon) . Popular for basketball games, also known as an opportunity for girls from other schools to seek men. You’ll find kids skipping class and feening out other students on campus. A lot of kids from Mount end up going to college however, because they do enough work just to skate by. They also try to get bitches from all girls schools so they can cheat on them. Commonly use the phrase β€œdonna slaps” , specifically used by a certain group of males there.

β€œHes from mount
saint micheals academy so of course hes going to play you”


Mount saint michaels academy Boys: Donna slaps

by donnaslaps04 March 12, 2019

The Society of Saint Michael the Archangel

The Peaceful Italian Mafia located in several different towns and cities that are connected to the Catholic Church. They like to various activities such as playing bocce, hold meetings, and eat lots of food.

"Did you go to The Society of Saint Michael the Archangel (Usually just said as Saint Michaels) Bocce Tournament last week?"

by Infinite Bread November 12, 2017

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